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A revolution in healthcare billing.
 Instantly calculate your patient's Medicare eligibility.
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What we do

At RebateRight, we specialise in addressing the challenges of Medicare eligibility, reducing billing errors and preventing financial losses caused by claim rejections. 

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Real-time Medicare eligibility check

​​RebateRight offers instant patient eligibility checks, enabling healthcare providers to quote patients accurately and efficiently on demand. We decipher Medicare rules for you and translate them into meaningful information so you don’t have to.

How it works

Picture this, a patient calls to book an appointment. You take a few details from them and in an instant you check if Medicare will cover the cost of their tests. Within moments you receive a clear eligibility status and an accurate quote, including any out-of-pocket costs... in short, you're connected with RebateRight.

We provide

An API that seamlessly integrates with your healthcare system with eligibility checks for all ~6000 Medicare items.

Our Services



RebateRight API as a tool that instantly checks a patient's Medicare eligibility and provides MBS search.

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Advisory services to help you navigate the complexities of  Medicare and the Australian healthcare landscape.

RebateRight Features

Age Eligibility


Real-time Medicare eligibility checks based on the patient's age.​


Limitation Periods


Item claim limitation periods, allowing you to notify
patient's when they may have reached their limit.

Referrer Eligibility


On-demand Medicare eligibility checks based on who referred the patient.

MBS Search


 Incorporate the MBS online as a knowlegde tool within your existing healthcare system.

Hospital Status


Eligibility checks based on the patient's hospital status.

~6000 MBS Items


Comprehensive access to nearly 6,000 MBS items across ten categories, enriched with the MBS notes.

API Integration


The RebateRight API seamlessly integrates with any healthcare system.

The Latest Data


RebateRight is always up to date with the latest MBS data.

RebateRight Sample Eligibility Responses

You Provide

Bulkbill Status: Yes
Date of Birth: 05/04/1987
In Hospital: No
Provider #: 0000000X
Medicare Item: 66523
RR sample response.png

API Response

Medicare Eligible: No
Reason: A 'General Practitioner' is not eligible to refer this Medicare item. The following specialties can refer this item: 'Specialist gastroenterologist and hepatologist'.
Medicare Fee: $75.00
Patient Rebate: $0.00


You Provide

Bulkbill Status: Yes
Date of Birth: 05/04/2020
In Hospital: No
Provider #:
Medicare Item: 63551
RR sample response.png
Medicare Eligible: No
Reason: The rebate for this Medicare item is available to patients 16 years or older, this patient is 4 years and 6 months and 29 days old.
Claim frequency limit: 
Applicable not more than three times in a 12 month period.
Medicare Fee: $441.45
Patient Rebate: $419.38


API Response

You Provide

Bulkbill Status: Yes
Date of Birth: 05/04/1987
In Hospital: No
Provider #:
Medicare Item: 63560
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API Response

Medicare Eligible: No
Reason: The rebate for this Medicare item is only available to in-hospital patients, this patient is out-of-hospital
Medicare Fee: $441.45
Patient Rebate: $0.00
Request demo

Book a Demo

If you would like to learn more, schedule a call with us. In the meeting, we'll provide an introduction to RebateRight and allow plenty of time to discuss any questions you may have. 

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If you would like to get in touch, you can schedule a call with us or fill in your details below.

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